first i know him at my school lah kan. hehe. at there i though he same age with me but not. huh. and i thought he was like "lembut" gitu, tapi dia biasa2 je. hahaha. but he was kind and the best ever friend with him lah. in that time he like someone else, and i like someone else to.
in 2010 we know each other because one of my friend were friend with him. and on that time lah i friend and sms with him. haha. mcm gila kan. tapi masa tu dia dah tak couple dgn budak tu. so i pn sms lah dgn dia. =))
and then i start hangout with him. mula2 tu mcm tak percaya je i hangout dgn dia. tapi bila pikir2 balik mmg btul pun. haha. and pada masa tu juga lah saya mula suka kat dia. hehe.
sampai sekarang saya masih msg dgn dia and hangout dia. tapi kalu bab hangout ni time saya balik kluang lah. saya kawan dgn dia rasa happy je. tak rasa ape2 sgt lah.
ape yang penting kami hanya lah sekadar kawan dan tidak lebih dari itu. =))
dia dah byk tolong saya dan teman saya ke sana sini time BFF saya busy. huhu.
you, thanks for everything that you done for me and thanks because want to be friend with me. =))